We urgently need your church’s support to reach every person in poverty.

Ruth, co-Manager of her local CAP debt centre at Grace Church Brockley. She is standing on the street, wearing bold colours and holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit'
people could not access CAP’s help in 2023 as appointments were fully booked or there was no centre nearby 
Broken heart icon
of survey respondents considered or attempted suicide as a way out of debt before seeking help (Source: capuk.org/clientreport)
Every £1
that you give will be match-funded – doubling the impact you make* 
Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager, Lewisham, looking at the camera with a serious face. She is white-skinned with blonde hair just below her shoulders, and wears a bright pink coat.

The surge in demand and more complex needs are pushing our church to its limit. 

– Ruth, co-Debt Centre Manager, Grace Church Brockley 

The problem

UK poverty is at a critical level. The number of people in need of help has surged, and it’s getting harder to meet the rapidly growing need.

People’s circumstances are more complex than ever. For many, life has become just about surviving. Our church partners across the UK are doing all they can to support local people, but it’s getting harder and harder. There’s so much need, and churches like Ruth’s are being pushed to the limit.

The solution (that’s where your church comes in)

The surge in poverty requires an equal and urgent surge in response. It’s time to act and make sure we can reach every person who urgently needs our help.

To meet the increasing need, we must double the number of people we can see through a growing network of churches. To make the necessary changes now, we must raise £1.9 million. Otherwise, we’ll be forced to turn away more and more people in urgent need.

If you give today, your gift will also be match-funded by generous supporters, doubling the impact you make.*

Please, will you donate today? A gift from your church could help us meet the demand for our services at this crucial time, so we can see people go from fighting to survive to living life in all its fullness.

Your donation to CAP

With your help, we will:

A graph with both x and y axis, with a line showing increase on both
the number of debt help appointments available through local churches 
the number of churches fighting poverty locally 
A green wrist watch
our church teams like Ruth’s to spend their time doing what they do best: supporting people 

Double your impact today

Thanks to generous supporters, your donation to CAP today will be match funded, meaning the impact of your gift is doubled.*

Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager, Lewisham, looking at the camera with a slight smile. She is white-skinned with blonde hair just below her shoulders, and wears a bright pink coat.

I can’t bear to turn anyone else away. With your help, I won’t have to. 

– Ruth, co-Debt Centre Manager, Grace Church Brockley 

*Donations will be match-funded up to £200,000.