Thank you for adding your vital support today.

Ruth, co-Manager of her local CAP debt centre at Grace Church Brockley. She is standing on the street, wearing bold colours and holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit'

A personal message from Chief Executive Officer, Stewart McCulloch

Stewart: Wonderful friends, Stewart McCulloch here, Chief Executive Officer of Christians Against Poverty, and I want to personally thank you for your support.

Over these past months and years, the charity sector has faced an incredible challenge in generating the income required to help a hurting world. At CAP we could not have met this challenge without your generosity. So, on behalf of the thousands of people whose lives have been transformed by our work, that has only been made possible by your support, I thank you.

As you know, to address the ever rising need amongst vulnerable and struggling families and individuals in our nation, we must urgently scale up our services. We have all felt the escalating cost of living, and so we all understand to some extent how hard it must be for those struggling with poverty and debt and why it’s so important we step into these challenges with renewed determination collectively.

While the road ahead may be daunting, we are resolute in our commitment to expand our reach and strengthen our services to meet the growing demand.

We want to help those who reach out to our freephone lines and the church-based debt centres. We are stretched to our limits, helping whom we can. Can you help us increase our capacity to help all who ask?

As a charity, we regularly invite our supporters to give to our work through appeals, and this June is no exception. The need is great and so we know our response must be greater. We must all act with urgency and agency.

This emergency response appeal will raise essential funds to give life changing help to clients in desperate situations, making sure that no one is turned away. We’ll resource the Church to break into more hurting communities, strengthen our current centres to do more incredible work.

Your Relationship Manager here at CAP has specifically asked me to reach out to you, to invite you to join us in rising to this collective challenge.

So please keep your eyes peeled on your doormat for a mailing from them and if you do not receive a piece of mailing from us, then please check out the link attached. To read more about how we are rallying together to meet the urgent needs of those we serve.

Thank you once more for being a vital member of our church based movement. And for helping churches change lives every single day. We pray a blessing for you and the vibrant churches we partner with. We pray we can come together to bring hope for a brighter future to those we reach out a helping hand to in deeply challenging moments of despair. Thank you.

Your donation is crucial to help us:

A graph with both x and y axis, with a line showing increase on both
the number of debt help appointments available through local churches 
Big green three quarters of a circle that says 470, with an inner navy blue half circle that says 264.
the number of churches fighting poverty locally from 264 to 470 
A green wrist watch
our church teams like Ruth’s to spend their time doing what they do best: supporting people 
Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager, Lewisham, looking at the camera with a serious face. She is white-skinned with blonde hair just below her shoulders, and wears a bright pink coat.

The surge in demand and more complex needs are pushing our church to its limit. 

– Ruth, co-Debt Centre Manager, Grace Church Brockley 

UK poverty is at a critical level. The number of people in need of help has surged, and it’s getting harder to meet the rapidly growing need.

People’s circumstances are more complex than ever. For many, life has become just about surviving. Our church partners across the UK are doing all they can to support local people, but it’s getting harder and harder. There’s so much need, and churches like Ruth’s are being pushed to the limit.

The surge in poverty requires an equal and urgent surge in response.
It’s time to act and make sure we can reach every person who urgently needs our help.

To meet the increasing need, we must double the number of people we can see through a growing network of churches. To make the necessary changes now, we must raise £1.9 million. Otherwise, we’ll be forced to turn away more and more people in urgent need.

If you give today, your gift will also be match-funded by generous supporters, doubling the impact you make.*

Please, will you donate today? Your gift could help us meet the demand for our services at this crucial time, so we can see people go from fighting to survive to living life in all its fullness.

Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager, Lewisham, looking at the camera with a slight smile. She is white-skinned with blonde hair just below her shoulders, and wears a bright pink coat.

I can’t bear to turn anyone else away. With your help, I won’t have to. 

– Ruth, co-Debt Centre Manager, Grace Church Brockley 

*Donations will be match-funded up to £200,000.