Will you bring hope to someone like Bea?

Bea, a lady with bright blue short hair, smiling at the camera. She's standing outside her church, holding on to a sign that reads 'hope' - the sign that led her to go into the church and start her journey to becoming debt free.
Broken heart icon
of CAP clients had considered or attempted suicide as a way out of debt before seeking help 
local churches provide compassionate, holistic support across our services 
A bowl of hot food
of CAP clients are unable to afford the basic essentials like food or fuel 

Will you be there for someone like Bea?

When poverty pushes people into dark places, they often can’t see a way out. But your faithful gift to CAP is changing lives. You’re caring for someone as a person, not just a case to solve. The holistic care and debt help you provide is vital to people just like Bea.

Bea, now debt free. She is a lady with bright blue hair and an equally bright smile, smiling directly at the camera.

Bea’s story: How your month by month support changes lives

June 2023: a black hole

In June 2023, Bea and her husband Keith were both made redundant. Like over half of our clients, Bea’s income was simply not enough to live on. She felt hopeless, with no way out.

Bea, now debt free, a lady with blue short hair wearing a light pink\purple hooded jacket. She's holding a mug, and looking thoughtful.

I got to the point where I didn’t want to be here. I was in a black hole, and I couldn’t get out. 

Discovering hope and a way out

One day, sobbing on her way home from a difficult GP appointment, Bea saw a hope’ sign outside her local church. I need a bit of that!’ she thought, and decided to go inside.

Here, she met Barney (Debt Coach) who made her a cup of tea and held her hand while she cried. 

From that day, she felt the start of hope, knowing people were there for her.

I realised somebody was there for me. When someone listens to you, believes in you, tells you there’s a way out… it gives you an amazing feeling of hope. 

Will you be there for someone like Bea with a monthly gift to CAP today?

September 2023: The local church in action

In September, the church jumped into action, arranging food parcels to be delivered to Bea and Keith.

This was a huge relief, easing the pressure on the couple’s budget while they worked hard to become debt free, and meaning they didn’t have to worry about going hungry.

Outside a church. On the left is Barney, a CAP Debt Coach, with short brown hair, a beard and checked shirt. On the right is Bea, now debt free, who has bright blue short hair and a t-shirt. They're looking at each other and laughing happily.
Bea, now debt free, with her Debt Coach Barney. Thanks to the support of Barney and her local church, Bea is now debt free and can smile at the future again!

October 2023: A lifeline of extra income

In October, Bea discovered our online benefits calculator, designed together with charity Turn2us. Like nearly 24,000 people who are better off thanks to the calculator, the couple discovered they were entitled to £270 extra weekly income.

Bea, former CAP client with bright blue hair, and her husband Keith, walking hand in hand and smiling

All the years we’ve worked long hours and struggled to make ends meet, with the cost of living and bills and loans… I couldn’t believe we were entitled to extra benefits! 

January 2024: Debt free… and equipped to thrive

In January 2024, Bea and Keith became debt free! But this wasn’t the end of their journey, as Barney and their local church continue to be there, making sure the couple are equipped with everything they need to thrive moving forward.

Spring 2024: New possibilities

Bea and Keith both signed up to their local church-based money coaching course, which equipped them to build a budget that worked for them.

They also each attended a job club, run through their local church, to help them get back into work. Their eyes were opened to new possibilities, and the options available to them.

CAP’s money coaching workshops really helped – I learned so much. It made me and Keith’s relationship better too. Keith came back from the job club buzzing, saying it’s the best job club he’s ever been to.. I (Bea) never knew I had so many options! I feel so positive about the future. 

Now: Being there for others

In July 2024, Bea had her first appointment as a CAP Befriender, meeting and supporting others who have found themselves in debt. She says,

Bea, now debt free. She is a lady with bright blue hair and an equally bright smile, smiling directly at the camera.

If I can give someone the hope I have, I will be doing good’, she says. People gave out from their hearts to help me. So I want to give out from my heart to help others. 

Be there for someone like Bea today

Poverty is stealing hope and dignity from so many people. But, as followers of Jesus, we can’t accept that.

Tens of thousands of people have broken free from debt and poverty with CAP since 1996. Together we can bring hope to those who see no way out of debt and poverty.

Please will you provide life changing support to people like Bea by setting up or increasing your regular gift to CAP?

More about our free, local church-based services

Debt help

Hundreds of local churches across the UK are delivering holistic, compassionate support alongside our professional, expert debt advice. They pray for clients, welcome them, love them, listen and provide practical support.

Job clubs

CAP’s church-run job clubs are friendly groups where people can gain the tools they need to find work. Our trained volunteers take time to understand each person’s hopes and challenges.

Money coaching

CAP works with local churches to provide financial education for anyone, free of charge. Our money coaching workshops can be life-changing – but they need even more regular support from people like you.

All statistics from CAP client report 2024: Under the rubble of debt and poverty (May 2024).

*Monthly and increase giving impact statements based on twelve months of giving.