Complaints procedure: miscellaneous

Please note: if you are a CAP Debt Help client, a member of a CAP Job Club or Life Skills course, a CAP supporter or are wishing to complain about money coaching, a separate complaints procedure applies which can be found here.

CAP aims to act professionally and acceptably with all of our stakeholders and if we fail to do this we want to know about it. In letting us know it will not only enable us to deal with the specific problem, but will help us to avoid it happening again. 

If you should be dissatisfied with your dealings with CAP, you can make a complaint by contacting us and letting us know what has happened. This document explains how our complaints procedure works if you believe the interaction you have had with Christians Against Poverty is unsatisfactory. 

This procedure is meant to provide a means to resolve a dispute between Christians Against Poverty and any complainant. As an organisation we would like to hear from you about the following:

  • Dissatisfaction with our assistance, such as an unacceptable delay or failure, a break in communication, or any other dissatisfaction with your interactions with Christians Against Poverty
  • Discourtesy or unhelpfulness on the part of Christians Against Poverty appointed representatives or staff
  • A dispute between you and a member of staff at Christians Against Poverty regarding policy, procedures or activities

What should you do if you wish to make a complaint?

Should you feel you have cause for complaint, we would ask you to register this complaint in one of the following ways:

  1. By completing a complaints form and emailing it to the individual at CAP you have been dealing with and copying in [email protected]
  2. Register a verbal complaint with the individual concerned at CAP or by contacting us by telephone at our Head Office in Bradford. The Compliance Officer can be contacted on 01274 760835.

We will use the details you have given us on this form to investigate and respond to your complaint. We may need to contact you for more information using your details provided. The details of your complaint will be held for one year from the date of the conclusion of your complaint in accordance with CAP’s data retention policy.

Once you’ve registered your complaint, we will deal with it as follows:

Stage One — you will be invited to discuss the complaint with a member of the relevant team. This will be done within five working days of the complaint being received.

Stage Two — should you not be happy with the outcome of Stage One or the relevant team initially registered your complaint without resolution, your complaint will be passed to the relevant Team Manager or Head of Department. They will aim to investigate your complaint and respond to you in writing within ten working days of the complaint being escalated to them. The Team Manager or Head of Department decision will be final.

Please note: any complaints deemed to be serious’ complaints will be escalated immediately to Stage Two.


In addition to any action that we might take to resolve your particular complaint, we will also compile a report of any serious complaints received and review this at a senior level within the Charity on a regular basis. This will help us to conduct an analysis of any root causes for complaints that we need to address at a strategic level.