Warm Home Discount

A man's hand adjusting the wall thermostat

What is the Warm Home Discount?

The Warm Home Discount is a one off discount on your electricity bill. It’s intended to help people living on a low income or on a pension with the cost of energy bills during the winter. Eligible households will get £150 off their electricity bill. 

If you’re eligible and if your energy supplier participates in the Warm Home Discount scheme, you’ll receive the discount off your energy account automatically.

How much is the Warm Home Discount?

In winter 2022–23, the Warm Home Discount is increasing from £140 to £150.

Am I eligible for the Warm home discount?

In England and Wales you are eligible to receive the discount if you either:

You may be eligible to receive the discount off your gas and electricity if your energy company supplies you with both. You will need to contact your energy company directly to find out if you’re eligible.

Check if you’re eligible for the Warm Home Discount in England and Wales online.

In Scotland you are eligible to receive the discount if you either:

In Northern Ireland the equivalent scheme is called the Affordable Warmth scheme. Find out about the Affordable Warmth scheme.

How will I receive the Warm Home Discount payment?

The payment will not be paid to you directly but will be discounted from your electricity bill. 

The discount will not affect your Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment. If you are eligible, you will receive the discount in addition to the Cold Weather Payment and Winter Fuel Payment.

Do I need to apply for the Warm Home Discount?

Pre-pay or pay-as-you-go meter

You should automatically receive the Warm Home Discount if you are eligible. You will receive a letter through the post with information about the discount. Then, your electricity supplier will automatically apply the deduction to your energy account. 

You will only receive the discount if your energy supplier participates in the Warm Home Discount scheme. Find out which energy suppliers participate in the scheme.

In previous years you may have had to claim the money from your energy supplier if you weren’t claiming the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit, but you don’t need to do that this year.

If you think you are eligible for the discount but you haven’t received your letter by mid-January 2024, you will need to contact the Warm Home Discount helpline to check. Ring the helpline on 0800 107 8002 before 28 February 2024. 

You can still be eligible for the discount if you use a pre-pay or pay-as-you-go electricity meter.

Contact your energy supplier to find out how they can provide you with the discount, for example you may be provided with a voucher you can use to top up your meter.

When will I receive the Warm Home Discount?

The discount on your energy bill is usually paid between October and March.

Looking for more support?

If you’re still struggling to pay your energy bills, see what support is available.