URGENT: welfare cuts response. Will you step in to support the most vulnerable?
URGENT: will you step in to support the most vulnerable?
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What is Challenge Poverty Week?

Six people in a park holding navy blue signs that say 'together we can end poverty'
CAP has joined with hundreds of organisations to raise awareness and prompt action this Challenge Poverty Week. 

Poverty can feel like an overwhelming force, but when we join together to raise our voices, we can fight back. This Challenge Poverty Week, we’re aiming to do just that, alongside more than 400 organisations with a shared goal to see an end to poverty.

What is Challenge Poverty Week?

Challenge Poverty Week first began in Scotland, organised by the Poverty Alliance to shine a light on the issue across the country, and has since spread to England and Wales. The initiative exists to bring individuals, faith leaders and politicians together to raise awareness and set a course for change.

When is Challenge Poverty Week 2024?

In 2024, Challenge Poverty week will run from 7–13 October in Scotland, and 14–20 October in England and Wales.

How can I get involved in Challenge Poverty Week 2024?

Challenging poverty is something that we all can–and must–continue to do, both during these key events and all year round. So what can you do to add your voice?

What happens during Challenge Poverty Week?

CAP first got involved in Challenge Poverty Week in Scotland five years ago. Since then, CAP has got involved in lots of different ways: 

Challenge Poverty Week 2023

In 2023, CAP staff, supporters, people who have received help from CAP, families, volunteers and even dogs took part in Pilgrims Against Poverty,’ a 143-mile walk from Winchester to Canterbury, following the Pilgrim’s Way. This fantastic event was all to raise awareness of the 1.9m* people living in poverty in South East England, and raise vital funds to help those in need.

*Statistic taken from The Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 2023

Six women stood together in green Christians Against Poverty t-shirts, wearing trainers and on a charity walk

Challenge Poverty Week 2022

As well as press and social media coverage that reached more than seven million people in total, Challenge Poverty Week 2022 saw CAP establish important relationships with local politicians and create opportunities for future collaboration. We invited a number of Members of Scottish Parliament (MSPs) to visit their local CAP Debt Centre, and lots of them highlighted our work through social media, raising vital awareness. 

Ahead of Challenge Poverty Week 2022, Government minister Shona Robison (now Scotland’s Deputy First Minister) met with members of the Edinburgh Central CAP Debt Centre team.

Having visited a centre himself, MSP Jeremy Balfour also spoke about CAP during a debate in Scottish Parliament, bringing the topic of poverty to the forefront.

Possibly the greatest success story from last year’s initiative was the subsequent changes to the Scottish Child Bridging Payment, which provides financial support for families of children eligible for free school meals. Just weeks before the changes were announced, CAP had joined a campaign to see the payment increased, and Challenge Poverty Week became a valuable opportunity to highlight this. The payment was doubled, impacting low-income households across Scotland, and proving that awareness-raising tools like Challenge Poverty Week can be extremely effective.

Ready to join the movement and help end UK poverty?

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URGENT: welfare cuts response
Debt coach steve looking into the camera, with his hands raised to his mouth in a praying position

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Debt coach steve looking into the camera, with his hands raised to his mouth in a praying position