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Debt Help in Scotland: Jimmy's story

Hayley Tearall, a white female with blonde, shoulder length wavy hair, wearing a red patterned dress
Hayley Tearall

Digital Content Producer

Jimmy from Scotland shares how CAP Job Clubs and Debt Help empowered him to transform his life. 

Jimmy (pictured below) is one of our client storytellers, having worked with both CAP Job Clubs and Debt Help in Scotland. Recently, Jimmy shared his story at our Scotland Fundraising Dinner, and his story is so encouraging that we wanted to share it with you, too.

From crisis to church

My debt had built up over three or four years. My mum had not been well and I was going through a personal crisis. I was drinking and was getting into bother.

One Sunday when I was not working, I decided to go into my local church. It seemed right. The church was bouncing, and it was really nice to go and have coffee after the service.

I met Richard through church, as he and a couple of others had helped me out through the community fund. I wasn’t really working much at that point as my mum was in and out of hospital, so I was trailing up and down to see her in her nursing home.

Joining the Job Club

After getting to know Richard, I found out he runs the CAP Job Club. I had a job at the time as a taxi driver, but I was off on a Tuesday so I decided to go along.

We did sessions on interviews and other areas, and it was really good fun to listen to people speaking about their experiences. Neil, who helps at the Job Club and is one of the elders of the church, has worked in business for a long time. He was excellent at helping with CVs — and he makes brilliant soup!

Debt Help in Scotland

Richard also encouraged me to work with CAP’s Debt Help service. In September 2021 I went through a MAP (Minimal Assets Process, a form of bankruptcy available when getting debt help in Scotland) and for the first time in many years, I’m debt free! That was a huge bit of my life turned upside down, it’s fantastic.

A new me

I used to be very down on myself due to debt and drinking. Now people see a different me, a better me, and I like it like that. I don’t drink at all now. I still have moments where I don’t have a good day, but the whole experience means I am much more relaxed now. I can come home from work, sit and listen to music, read and relax. My life is nice now compared to what it was like before.

With everything put together, including the Job Club, I’ve found my way back to God. It’s really good. With help from the church I now have a little car and work as a delivery driver . I also try to help by doing deliveries for the local food bank. When I get a free coffee from the coffee shop that the church used to own, I donate that to someone else. I’ve learnt that it’s not all about me.

If you’re struggling with debt like Jimmy was, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our CAP Debt Help service, available across Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, is completely free of charge, so get started on your debt free journey today.

About Christians Against Poverty

Since CAP began in 1996, our free, professional debt help and community groups, based in local churches, have offered a supportive community for people to find work, gain vital life skills and money management skills, and become debt free.

Ruth holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit.'
Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager

We urgently need your support to reach every person in poverty.

Ruth holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit.'