Interview with Life Changer Daphne

Two people sitting together
CAP supporter Daphne describes her experience of debt, and how she’s helping others break free. 

At CAP, we have a name for those who support us with a regular financial gift: Life Changers. Through their ongoing generosity, lives really are transformed – not just financially, but personally, socially and spiritually too.

Daphne is one of our incredible, generous Life Changers, who chose to set up a regular gift to CAP after journeying out of debt herself. Daphne recently sat down with our Director of Fundraising, Alex Jones, to talk about the impact of debt, finding freedom and giving back.

Meet Daphne

Alex: Hi Daphne, thanks again for sharing your journey out of the debt with us. I really value the chance for our readers to hear your story of being supported by CAP. Can you tell me a little of your experiences of debt and what happened to you?

Daphne: Being in debt was truly a testing time. My partner, David, developed Parkinson’s disease, and I had to give up my job when my mum was diagnosed with dementia and came to live with us. Our income was so low that we had ten credit cards maxed out at one point. We started working with CAP in 2011 and, with the support of our local debt coach, Liz, we applied for a Debt Relief Order.

Sadly, in the years that followed, David had to go into a care home when his mobility issues got significantly worse, which meant that almost all of the money we had coming in went on the care home fees. Things went from bad to worse and I ended up back in debt. My daughter nagged me to get back in touch with CAP, although I put it off for a long while because I felt ashamed. But when I did reconnect with CAP and Liz, it was the best thing I could have done.

A: This must have been such a difficult time in your life. How did Liz support you on your journey out of debt?

D: I don’t want to go over the top, but Liz is just marvellous, and she’s not the only one. Everybody I’ve ever spoken to at CAP has been so kind and helpful. Liz helped me sort out my budget and we checked I was getting all possible income. I couldn’t believe I’d never heard of some of the benefits I was entitled to, and with these additional payments coming in, I had enough to live on. I’m now debt free, and I know how to manage my money better.

A: You’re a Life Changer now, someone who gives to CAP to help those who are in a situation you once were in. This enables CAP to offer free support to our clients on their journey out of debt. I was wondering what made you start giving regularly to CAP?

D: I honestly don’t feel that I give much, but I couldn’t think of any other way to say thank you once I had repaid my debts. I wanted to give back because of how safe, supportive, kind, compassionate and life- changing CAP’s services have been for me. When I felt alone with the weight of debt on my shoulders, CAP was there. They helped me to never give up and I hope that my gift will help others to keep going too.

A: Daphne, that monthly gift from you and others like you is the backbone of our funding and the reason we’re able to support people. I know it feels like a small amount to you, but over time it makes a huge difference. It means our frontline workers, like Liz, can walk alongside other people facing financial difficulty. With that in mind, what would you say to someone who might be considering giving to CAP regularly?

There are so many people out there who are putting off seeking debt help because they feel ashamed or too nervous, or just don’t believe they can be helped. 


D: I would say, if you can give anything at all, do it. It’s absolutely vital. When I first contacted CAP, I was in despair. Without CAP and the people who support it, I don’t know where I might be.

A: Daphne, through your giving, you’re bringing restoration and hope to others who are experiencing similar challenges to those you faced. I cannot thank you enough, both for sharing your story with us and for the bravery and humility you’ve shown during a very difficult period in your life.

D: I’m thankful that I can do my little bit to make a difference. There are so many people out there who are putting off seeking debt help because they feel ashamed or too nervous, or just don’t believe they can be helped. I want to spread the word that there is a way out and CAP can help you find it. There’s no shame in asking for help, whether it’s for the first time or the fifth time. That’s why I give.

A final word from Alex

Talking to Daphne was a huge privilege. She knows exactly how it feels to be trapped in poverty. That’s why she’s so passionate about giving others the chance to break free and live a life full of purpose. It’s inspiring to see her commitment to making a difference. Perhaps her story might encourage you to start or increase your regular gift to CAP, so that someone else like Daphne can have the same experience.

If you’d like to follow in Daphne’s footsteps and become a Life Changer, please head to To increase your existing regular gift, click the button that says Manage my monthly donation’. Thank you.

Follow in Daphne’s footsteps

Become a Life Changer


Total people helped in 2023 (Including debt clients with an active CAP account at some point in 2023, and people who were logged as attending at least one job club, life skills group or money coaching session) 
Equivalent number of people helped by Life Changers in 2023