Prayers for Lent: week three

an open Bible, notebook, phone and tea cup set out on a white blanket
In our Lent reflections series, we’re looking at God’s miraculous provision 

This is part of our Prayers for Lent reflections series, designed to help you focus on Jesus and put your faith into action as we approach Easter 2025. To receive all our devotional content straight to your inbox, sign up for our prayer emails.

Reflections for the third week of Lent, 17–23 March

Reflect on the passage

This story centres on God’s miraculous provision for the Israelites. Every morning he rains down bread (manna) from Heaven, instructing the people to take as much as they need for that day only, as he will provide for them again the following day. Again, the people fail to trust in God. Some keep part of the manna until morning, only to find that it has rotted.

Does this sound familiar? Have you ever taken or kept more than you needed, instead of trusting that God would provide for you? It can feel scary to make sacrifices and put our full trust in God, but, just as he did for the Israelites, he always keeps his promises.

Pray for your own relationship with God

Ask God to help you not to rely on what the world tells us we need’, instead trusting that you are entirely fulfilled and satisfied through Christ.


Take action today. Start by asking yourself, Is there something in my life that I have more than enough of, that I could realistically sacrifice to benefit someone else?’ Perhaps you have some free time that you could use to volunteer for a charity, or could donate clothes you no longer wear. Ask God for guidance as you consider this, and trust that he is fully in control.

Pray for our nation

Pray for a renewed passion to end poverty, with an outpouring of generosity across the UK, believing that one day every person will have as much as they need.


Listen to the song The Lord Will Provide (Landon Wolfe and Passion), and reflect on the following lyrics: So seek first the kingdom and its treasures / Everything else it will be added / All that I’m needing / Yes, I know the Lord will provide’.

A prayer for this week

Lord, thank you for the blessings you have poured upon us. Help us to be cheerful givers, trusting that everything we give away will be returned to us in Heaven. Amen. 

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