Prayers for Lent: week two

an open Bible, notebook, phone and tea cup set out on a white blanket
Our Lent reflections series continues with a very famous miracle 

This is part of our Prayers for Lent reflections series, designed to help you focus on Jesus and put your faith into action as we approach Easter 2025. To receive all our devotional content straight to your inbox, sign up for our prayer emails.

Reflections for the second week of Lent, 10–16 March

Reflect on the passage

After God parts the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to escape from Pharaoh and his men, they are filled with praise, adoration, bewilderment and a whole host of other emotions that you’d expect after witnessing a miracle! Even so, they’re soon back to complaining and berating Moses for leading them into the unknown.

How often do we wonder why God has abandoned us, asking why he refuses to answer our prayers, and forget the blessings he has already showered on us? There’s so much in life to be thankful for, if only we have our eyes open to see it.

Pray for your community

Pray for those going through difficult circumstances. May they find joy in the little things, such as the wonder of God’s creation, the comfort of a solid friendship or the reassurance that can be found through God’s word.


Listen to the song No Longer Slaves (Bethel Music), and reflect on the following lyrics: You split the sea so I could walk right through it / My fears are drowned in perfect love’.


Respond by writing your own song of praise and thanksgiving to God for the blessings in your life, starting with the line, I will sing to the Lord, for he is highly exalted’.

Pray for a message of hope

Pray that local CAP teams would know when and how to sensitively express the message of God’s love with those they serve, and particularly that God is powerful enough to overcome any of the challenges they’re facing.

A prayer for this week

Heavenly Father, thank you for the small blessings you give us every day, as well as the incomprehensible miracles we have witnessed. Help us to never take for granted your goodness, especially when life is difficult and the darkness feels overwhelming. Amen. 

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