Looking for some simple, meaningful religious Easter crafts that bring your faith to life? Whether you’re in need of some Christian Easter crafts to do at home, school or church, you’ll find some budget-friendly and low-prep options in this blog.
Looking to make your Easter crafting even more meaningful?
Ten religious Easter crafts
1. Cross sun catcher
Create a beautiful sun catcher using tissue paper to capture the light, reminding your children of their faith and the true meaning of Easter.
What you’ll need:
Black card
Sticky back plastic
Coloured tissue paper
String or ribbon
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Cut out a cross shape into the black card.
Fold the card in half and cut out the inside of the cross.
Stick transparent film or paper to the back of the cross.
Stick pieces of coloured tissue paper on to the back of the film.

2. Palm Sunday handprint
This Palm Sunday handprint craft is quick and easy, and you only need a small amount of supplies. Using handprints to create palm leaves, it represents the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
What you’ll need:
Green and brown washable paint
Paint brushes or sponges
White paper or canvas
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Use brown paint and a brush or a sponge to paint a vertical tree trunk in the centre of the paper.
Dip your hands into the paint, pressing your hands on the paper to form the palm leaves, fanning them out in different directions.
Add in extra details such as coconuts or grass at the bottom.

3. ‘He is risen’ paper plate
Celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday with this paper plate craft. With a cut-out tomb and a small stone, it beautifully represents the resurrection of Jesus. It’s easy to make and helps children understand the Easter story.
What you’ll need:
A paper plate
Felt tip pens
A rock from your garden
Recycled card
Double-sided sticky tape
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Cut a rectangle shape in the middle of your paper plate.
Stick a piece of recycled card behind it.
Decorate the front of your paper plate as the front of the tomb
Stick your rock on the front using double-sided tape.

4. ‘Light of the world’ candle holder
Light up your space with a handmade Christian candle holder. This lovely little craft activity can be made from a recycled box you might have, and helps you remember and reflect on Jesus being the light of the world.
What you’ll need:
A recycled box
A small pillar candle
Candle holder
Your choice of Easter-themed decorations
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Get a small recycled box.
Decorate it with any bits and bobs you like, including crosses or anything that represents Easter to you.
Place your pillar candle in the box, either sticking it down at the bottom or placing it in a glass candle holder.
Light the candle together with your children and say a special Easter prayer, like this one below:

5. Watercolour cross picture
Create a colourful watercolour cross painting with a powerful message, and help children understand more about how the cross represents Jesus washing away our sins.
What you’ll need:
Paper or card
Watercolour paints
A pen
How to make this religious Easter craft:
On some craft paper or card, draw an outline of a cross.
Use the watercolour paints to paint different colours onto the cross.
Once dry, cut out the cross and attach together to create bunting, or stick onto a folded up piece of card to create your own Easter card for someone special.

6. Christian Easter bunting
Brighten up your space this Easter with some homemade Christian bunting, perfect for decorating your church or home!
What you’ll need:
Paper, card or fabric
Felt tips
Bits and bobs for decoration
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Cut out bunting flag shapes from paper, card or fabric.
Let children decorate them with crosses or other Easter symbols.
Stick them together using some string and hang up in your church, school or home.

7. Lollipop stick planter stakes
Celebrate the season of new life and renewal with these lovely lollipop planter stakes. This simple Easter craft adds a meaningful touch to your springtime flowers while sharing a message of hope and faith.
What you’ll need:
Lollipop sticks
A plant pot and soil
Springtime seeds of your choice
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Fill a small plant pot with compost and plant your favourite springtime flowers.
Next, use glue to stick some lollipop sticks together to create a cross stake for your plant.
Write on the cross the name of your plant, or write a Christian message, like ‘He is risen!’

8. Christian cross bookmark
Create a meaningful keepsake this Easter with a handmade Christian cross bookmark. It’s a simple but thoughtful craft and doesn’t require many supplies, perfect for reflecting on your faith and adding a personal touch as you read your Bible during Easter.
What you’ll need:
Ribbon or string
Bits and bobs to decorate your bookmark
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Cut out some rectangle shapes for your bookmark
Punch a hole through the top
Use paints, colours or other materials to decorate your Christian bookmark. You could opt for a simple design with a cross on the front.
Once it’s dry, add your string or ribbon to the top.

9. Angel craft
This super simple Christian craft activity is perfect for even the littlest crafters, helping you to talk about the Easter story and the importance of the angel who rolled the stone away.
What you’ll need:
Cotton wool
Optional glitter
Card or paper plates
How to make this religious Easter craft:
Trace a wing shape and cut it out. Glue cotton wool to the paper to create fluffy wings.
Cut out a dress shape and glue it to the wings.
Draw a halo (circle) above the dress, and add glitter for hair and draw a face.

10. Easter colouring
Celebrate the joy and renewal of Easter with the simple pleasure of colouring! Sermons4Kids have some free colouring pages that you can download and print out, giving you a chance to reflect on the true meaning of Easter while engaging in a relaxing and creative activity.