Thank you for becoming a Life Changer

Thank you for setting up a regular gift with CAP. Your gift will help transform the lives of people imprisoned by debt and poverty across the UK – that’s why we call our regular givers Life Changers!

Dan: Thank you, so much, for choosing to give regularly to support the work of Christians Against Poverty. Your generous gifts will help people living under the crushing weight of debt and poverty to begin their journey towards freedom and a fresh start.

Every working day, the team and I answer calls to our free helpline from people trapped in desperate situations. Many make this call from a place of uncertainty, fear and hopelessness and by the end of the call, they feel reassured, a weight lifted, their hope restoring.

I’ve heard the way people’s voices change from the beginning to the end of those precious minutes we have with them on the phone. It really does make a difference.

We can then book in the caller for a face-to-face appointment with one of our church-based Debt Centres, knowing that through this, they’re going to experience God’s love in action.

It’s only because of the generous people like you that thousands of people across the UK are discovering the skills, strength and support to turn their situation around. 

We call our regular givers Life Changers’ because that’s exactly what you’re doing.Changing lives, not just for now, but for eternity.

[Phone rings] Thank you. Excuse me. Hello, you’re through to Dan at Christians Against Poverty. How can I help you today?