Your package full of gratitude

Thank you for your incredible support 

Your kind, generous donations to CAP change people’s lives. It’s you who enabled nearly 10,000 people to receive free, expert debt help last year. You put church teams alongside individuals, to walk with them until they’re debt-free. You need to see how grateful people are… 

Click on the drop-down boxes below to read different thank you messages from people whose lives have been transformed.

Dear friend,

I had a chippy tea last Friday. It’s a small thing isn’t it? But for me, that meal (bought with money I’d saved through budgeting!) felt like a milestone. A new start, thanks to you. 

Two years ago I was scraping around for coppers to even go to the shops. I was in a violent relationship, my mental health was poor, and I was struggling in every way. But all of you at CAP helped me so much. Everything has changed and I feel like I am walking on a cloud! 

You gave me a new lease of life. Now I’m not just debt free, I’m a Christian and part of a church family. Believe me, I feel like a different person — you wouldn’t recognise the Fiona of two years ago. 

Words can’t express how grateful I am. Thank you. 

In Christ,


You never think it could happen to you… 

I had a good job, but it was stressful and made me ill. Meanwhile, my husband Sam took voluntary redundancy so we could move to the coast. We dreamed of starting a new life. Sadly, it never worked out. 

Sam couldn’t find work, and suddenly we couldn’t cover the mortgage. We had no choice but to use credit cards to buy our weekly shop. After two years, we decided to move back — but the house wouldn’t sell and we had to accept an offer below its value. 

We were broke. Our debt growing. Our relationship was strained. We found it so difficult to ask for help. 

But we did — and we were met with compassion, and a non-judgemental approach. The support you provided, particularly liaising with creditors on our behalf, gave us peace of mind and kept us from financial and mental strain. 

You have helped us to become debt free. Thank you for being there when we needed it most. Thank you deeply in the name of Christ who resides in all our hearts. We are forever grateful. 

Tracy & Sam

Dear CAP,

It feels like a weight has been lifted off me and it’s all thanks to you!

I don’t see doom and gloom anymore, I just see light and I’m moving forwards. I’m smiling more! And laughing! This is my future. 

What you are doing for people is unreal. It’s just marvellous, it really is. You are doing so much good. 

You should be proud of yourselves. The Lord looks on you when you need him. Keep your faith. 

Thank you so much. 


To everyone in the CAP family. You saved my life and I mean that. 

I couldn’t have become debt free on my own. Your support over the past four years has been AMAZING. You have been so kind, and always professional. You helped me much more than you will ever know. 

Thank you so much. 

Terry 🙂

If you’d like to send a message of support to some of the people whose lives you’ve helped to transform, I know they’d be delighted to hear your words of encouragement and love. Simply enter your name, email address, and words of encouragement below and click submit.

Thanks to your support, so far this year…

people have received support from CAP on their journey out of debt 
Hand holding heart
people have started their journey out of debt with support from CAP 
people have become debt free 

Over 101,572 have used CAP’s free, online benefits calculator and 93,832 were eligible for benefits they were not previously receiving

*All of these stats are from 1 Jan to 5 July 2024