EMERGENCY APPEAL. UK poverty is rising. We urgently need your help.
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The CAP story

Older male stood outside smiling at the camera, with green fields behind him.
With a small donation and big faith the CAP journey began. 

John Kirkby started Christians Against Poverty (CAP) in 1996. He believed God was calling him to sacrifice his career in finance and use his knowledge of the industry to help those in need.

How it all started

In his hometown of Bradford, John set off on the incredible journey of CAP. His faith adventure led him to people weighed down by debt; parents who couldn’t feed their children, families facing eviction and desperate people living without hope. He used his expertise to negotiate with creditors, set up budgeting systems and offer a lifeline to those trapped in debt.

John knew that people all over the country were struggling in a similar way, so he began looking to expand the work across the UK. With the vital ingredients of a church to partner with, a passionate person to be trained as a debt counsellor and the faith that God would provide, four new CAP centres were opened at the end of 1998.

You can read about this journey and so much more by taking a look at our books.

Where we are today

CAP has rapidly grown its Debt Centre network, with services to tackle the causes of debt and poverty also introduced. 

As well as CAP Debt Help, we offer practical advice to live well on a low income through CAP Life Skills groups, as well as supporting people stepping into employment through CAP Job Clubs. Through a UK-wide network of CAP projects, we have a vision of transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty.

I am overwhelmed by what God has done. To see thousands of lives changed every year is truly wonderful. I do believe that God has given us a 21st century answer to one of the most pressing social needs within society today. Jesus met people’s needs with love, compassion and practical help. Our desire is to simply do the same and watch the miracles unfold. Please get involved in this amazing, God inspired ministry. 

John Kirkby, Founder of CAP 

With training for our Debt Help team accredited by the Money and Pensions Service, meeting the requirements of their Debt Advice Quality Framework, our award-winning services are free and open to anyone who needs them. Being recognised by the Advice Quality Standard, we’ve shown our services to be accessible, knowledgeable and effectively managed. Have a browse through some of the awards we’ve won over the years…

Our books

From powerful testimonies of God breaking through impossible situations, to beautiful children’s stories that spark conversations about poverty and social justice, browse all CAP books and order your copies.

Ruth holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit.'
Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager

We urgently need your support to reach every person in poverty.

Ruth holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit.'