‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ John 10:10
The power of John 10:10 in the face of poverty
As part of this year’s CAP Sunday initiative, churches across the UK are hearing more about John 10:10 to demonstrate how this verse guides us and how we work to transform lives.
Here at CAP, we see John 10:10 as a powerful scripture that aligns with our heart for the communities around us. The Bible often shows us that God does not merely want us to get by but wants us to be expectant for hope, faith, and living life positively. Working through the Church to follow the example of Jesus by equipping our communities to live life with hope is incredibly important to our mission. We see firsthand amazing people who, although they struggle at first with debt and poverty, fight back daily by leaning on the words of Jesus promising a life in all its fullness.
When I came for an interview to be a Debt Centre Manager 12 years ago I quoted this verse in my interview. My prayer now is that through the Job Club and Life Skills, members can experience life to the full through Jesus.
Julie Macauley, Emmanuel Community Church
Living to thrive and not merely survive
In John 10:10, Jesus spells out exactly who is responsible for the wave of destruction life can bring through debt and poverty: the thief. The thief thrives by creating brokenness and pain, but Jesus is in the business of offering us a full life in Him. Debt steals a person’s joy, poverty kills a person’s hope, and the thief ultimately tries to destroy lives—people we know and care for. But Jesus makes clear the reason for His very existence: that all may have life to the full and acknowledge His life.
Jesus identified the traits of the thief ahead of time to prepare us because He loves us. At CAP, we see the harrowing experiences of members of our communities, we see the poverty statistics rising year on year, and budgets just aren’t increasing as fast. However, we are still as determined and compassionate as ever to serve our local areas with the good news that Jesus wants us to have life to the full. Through His Church, we want to see that ring true now more than ever. When we see the challenges faced by the people we support, we see the need for belief in action. In our advocacy, campaigning and free face-to-face debt help, we demonstrate that we are people who believe that taking action truly matters.
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24
We want to take action. We must reduce the pain we see in people’s eyes and lives. Together, with your prayers and support, our desire is to see hope restored and lives transformed. Our church partners are at the forefront, pushing back against the thief and calling out for justice—justice for the hurting, the vulnerable, and the people experiencing isolation because of debt and poverty. Churches are seeing more and more people be courageous and call out for help. We want to answer more on the brink of destitution with your help. Collectively, let’s declare enough is enough, and poverty simply cannot win.
Our CEO, Stewart McCulloch, is more determined than ever before to lead us in action, prayer, and wisdom to confront the brutal cost of poverty raging through communities, particularly this year: