Financial difficulties can cause worry, anxiety, and cloud our positive thoughts. They can negatively impact our lives and wider wellbeing. We’ve compiled ten of our favourite affirmations to help you stay positive and build confidence on your financial journey. Why not say some of them aloud or write them down in a mindfulness journal?
Ten positive debt free affirmations:
1. I’m capable of acknowledging my debt
Did you know that 63% of CAP’s client report respondents said they waited over a year before seeking help? The journey to financial freedom starts with a single, brave step. By acknowledging your debt, you’ll open the paperwork and let hope lead the way.
2. I can keep track of my money
Keeping track of your money can be overwhelming, but we want to make it as simple as possible. Download our free budget worksheet to help you budget like a boss and be equipped to track your income and outgoings.
3. I’m not alone
Did you know that 88% of CAP’s client report respondents said that debt caused them to feel lonely? At CAP, we’ll hold your hand along your debt free journey and let you know that you aren’t alone. If you need more emotional support, find a handy link to more mental health services here.
4. I can improve my financial situation
Just reaching this page and reading these debt free affirmations shows how much you care about improving your financial situation. From building a budget to using low-cost recipes, you’ll find everything you need in our practical tools hub.
5. My mental health matters
Moving towards becoming debt free is a journey, and every step you take to look after yourself in the process, counts. Sometimes, debt can cloud our thoughts, and it can be a difficult feeling to shake.
Find our short, practical session about anxiety and worry to help you identify anxious thoughts when they crop up, and learn simple, practical tools to live a fulfilling life.
6. I’m capable of setting goals for my future
Debt doesn’t mean that your dreams and aspirations have to go on hold. If you’re looking to find work or have a career change, CAP’s job clubs will help you set personal goals and give you the motivation and tools to achieve them.
7. I can take control of my life
Although we make plans in life, things don’t always seem to work out how we originally hoped they would. Money worries can make us feel out of control, which can be debilitating.
Find the tools to thrive, not just survive. CAP’s money coaching and life skills sessions will help you take control of your finances, and equip you with practical skills to live well on a low income.
8. My life has meaning and purpose
It definitely does! Your life doesn’t have to be dictated by your debts; it still has meaning, value, and purpose. In the Bible, the Lord says:
For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
9. I’ll intentionally focus on things I am or can be grateful for
Looking at the good things in life can help us see the beauty in everyday moments, even on the hard days. Why not spend five minutes every morning or evening writing down three things you’re grateful for and your daily reflections? If you feel that money is causing anxiety, you can also use this time to write down your thoughts, process them, and gain better clarity on your financial situation.
10. I can recognise my habits and respond to them
Do you find it really easy to get stuck in a habit loop? Why not take the steps to break the endless, vicious cycle? Find our free online handling habits session here, where you’ll learn how to avoid triggers and adjust your responses to them, giving you the freedom to live life to the full.