EMERGENCY APPEAL. UK poverty is rising. We urgently need your help.
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The God who knows

A young black man sat at a church pew, with his hands clasped together and eyes shut, praying. Photography by Mart Production.
For the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed.’ 1 Samuel 2:3

Having people like you supporting CAP is a privilege, and today I want to encourage you about your incredible heart for those living in poverty in the UK.

I want us to look at a passage from Acts 10. In Caesarea, there lived a Roman army officer, Cornelius – a captain of an Italian regiment. He was a godly man, deeply reverent, as was his entire household.

Cornelius was a man who, like you, gave generously to charity and cared deeply for those in poverty. The Bible says that his constant generosity provoked a response from Heaven: God sent an angel to enable his salvation. I’m sure he had no idea that his actions were being noticed by the Almighty God himself!

In 1 Samuel 2:3, Hannah says, For the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed’. God knows all that you are doing. He sees the seeds you are sowing in the lives of the people you serve through your financial gifts, compassion and prayer. I want you to know that just as Cornelius had a supernatural encounter, so will you have an encounter in your life to the glory of God.

Today, it is my prayer that as you have consistently supported the fight against poverty like Cornelius did, God will also rise on your behalf. I don’t know what you are seeking in life or the problems you may be facing, but I pray for a response in Jesus’ name. May the favour of God bring you to the fountain of blessings that the work of your hands will be blessed. Shalom!

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Written by Daniel Badu-Asmah, CAP Case Officer and lead pastor with a desire to help others grow closer to God.

Ruth holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit.'
Ruth, Co-Debt Centre Manager

We urgently need your support to reach every person in poverty.

Ruth holding a sign that reads 'There is so much need. I'm at my limit.'