Appeal: Poverty pushes people into dark places. Will you help bring hope?
Appeal: Will you help bring hope to someone like Bea?
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Get involved in our work by exploring our upcoming webinars below 

Personal Budgeting Webinar

Free to church leadership teams and staff members

When church congregations engage in discussions about finances, it’s often placed within a biblical framework of stewardship. The most obvious example being to give money to support the church’s work. But faithful stewardship involves much more than giving to the church; it involves growing in our diligence to care for everything God has entrusted to us.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has 15+ years experience in developing individuals’ stewardship skills in personal budgeting, through our money coaching programme.

With a proven track record of helping 85,000 people navigate their household budget, we’ve created a personal toolkit that we’re offering to deliver exclusively through a short webinar.

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is available to anyone involved in a church leadership capacity, including those who are on a ministry or staff team — whether paid or voluntary. Please feel free to invite anyone in your church or network who you think would find this webinar valuable or would like to join us. 

What does it cost?

This webinar is completely free. All you need to do is choose your preferred date and sign up using the link below.

Dates and times

Tuesday 19 November 2024, 11am-12pm

Thursday 21 November 2024, 1pm-2pm

More ways that your church can be involved

Explore the ways churches can partner with CAP

If you’re part of a church, find ways you and your community can get involved and join the fight against poverty in the UK.

Deliver a Sunday service on UK poverty

Join thousands of other churches in calling for a society where everyone can live life to the full. Inspire your church to learn about God’s heart for UK poverty this October, with free worship and teaching resources.

Request a CAP Speaker

Request a CAP Speaker to come and deliver a biblical message that will inspire and equip your church in the fight against UK poverty.

Explore free, practical resources

Our free, bitesize video resources will equip your community with practical ways to tackle day-to-day life. You’ll learn things like creating healthy habits, practical CV and interview techniques, and tips on how to deal with anxiety and depression alongside other helpful topics.

Fundraising appeal
Bea, now debt free. She is a lady with bright blue hair and an equally bright smile, smiling directly at the camera.
Bea, now debt free

Will you bring hope to someone like Bea?

Bea, now debt free. She is a lady with bright blue hair and an equally bright smile, smiling directly at the camera.