CAP responds to the Utility Regulator's Consumer Protection Programme 2024-2029 consultation

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CAP responded to a consultation by the Utility Regulator (which is responsible for regulating the electricity, gas, water and sewerage industries in Northern Ireland) on its Consumer Protection Programme (CPP) for 2024–2029.

While we noted that, in the last such programme, affordability’ was a separately stated objective (which we felt was helpful) we welcomed the obvious awareness of the Regulator of the challenges facing so many in terms of energy prices and the work planned to assist with this. That this was a consistent theme throughout the CPP was reassuring.

Overall we broadly welcomed the proposals in the document, and its three pillars (or themes) of Research’, Leadership Enablement’ and Protection’ with some relatively minor comments on the outworkings of these, and how we felt some areas could be strengthened.