CHRISTMAS APPEAL: Families are at breaking point. Give essential emergency aid to a family this winter.
CHRISTMAS APPEAL: Give emergency aid to a family this winter.
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Over 1,100 church leaders call on the Government to rethink planned cuts to Universal Credit

A man's hand holding a pen signing a letter.

Together with Church Action on Poverty, we have sent a letter to the Prime Minister signed by 1,172 church leaders, urging the Government not to cut Universal Credit by £1,040 a year from 6 October 2021. The letter expresses concern about the impact the planned cut will have on on people in poverty and communities across the UK from next Month. Read the letter and signatories below.

Christmas appeal
Dad sat with his two young children, all three are staring at the camera with sadness next to a Christmas tree
Bring a family joy this Christmas

A Christmas beyond breaking point

Dad sat with his two young children, all three are staring at the camera with sadness next to a Christmas tree