URGENT: welfare cuts response. Will you step in to support the most vulnerable?
URGENT: will you step in to support the most vulnerable?
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Stephen Timms MP visits CAP head office

Stephen Timms MP and Paula Stringer Christians Against Poverty CEO.

We were privileged to host Stephen Timms MP, who is a big supporter of CAP’s work, at our head office. Stephen met with our CEO Paula Stringer, spent time speaking with our debt advisors, and discussed our joint involvement in the new Poverty Strategy Commission with the External Affairs team. We look forward to having Stephen back for the official new building launch. 

You can read more about his visit here.

URGENT: welfare cuts response
Debt coach steve looking into the camera, with his hands raised to his mouth in a praying position

Step in to help vulnerable people in crisis

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Debt coach steve looking into the camera, with his hands raised to his mouth in a praying position